Thinking about what to write under this section gave me a major identity crisis. When I started, I wrote the title of the page, closed the tab, and let the draft ferment for a few days. I still don't quite know what to write, and so I am just gonna make up things as I go!
Basics first! My name is Apoorva Maheshwari. I am a student of English Literature, currently pursuing my Master's from the University of Delhi. I have loved animals for as long as I can remember (email me for a very funny story :P), and I have a pet cat whose name is Kafka.
I love travelling! My family is one of those who end up making impulsive plans and leaving the house without any kind of hotel booking. Well, to be fair, we often do this even with planned trips. Apart from this I also like photography, singing, painting and dancing. I am still an amateur in most of these, though, and I positively suck at dancing, but who cares, right? Okay maybe I do. Just a teeny bit. I love going for solitary walks and observing pretty trees, flowers and birds, and just wandering and wondering!
If you go through my website, you would realise that I don't stick to one type of content. There are poems, short stories, non-fictional lifestyle articles, among other things. I find limitations extremely boring so limiting myself to only one type of content was never an option for me. I like freedom—freedom to explore, freedom to express, freedom to just be.
I used to be extremely hesitant of publishing anything I wrote. What if it is BAD? What if I write something wrong? What if people don't like it? What if what if what if?
It took me some time to develop this mindset of "So what?" So what if my writing is not very good. So what if I write something which may not make sense to some people. So what if some people don't like what I write? 'To be good at something you should be prepapred to be bad at it'. I am growing, I am changing, and I am learning. I think that is what matters, isn't it?